Fire Resisting Cable

Fire Resisting Cables

Fire Resistant Instrumention Cables

300/500V Mica+XLPE/SR Insulated & Overall Screened Multipair Instrumentation Cables

RE-2X(St)H...CI. FE 180 PH30 ( CU/MGT+XLPE/OSCR/LSZH 300/500V Class 2 )

RE-2G(St)H...CI. FE 180 PH30 ( CU/SR/OSCR/LSZH 300/500V Class 2 )

RE-2X(St)HSWAH...CI. FE 180 PH30 ( CU/MGT+XLPE/OSCR/LSZH/SWA/LSZH 300/500V Class 2 )

RE-2G(St)HSWAH...CI. FE 180 PH30 ( CU/SR/OSCR/LSZH/SWA/LSZH 300/500V Class 2 )



The cables are designed, manufactured and tested as data transmission cables for emergency services. These

are used for data and voice transmission when high frequency signal has to be assured also in the event of a



Basic design to BS 5308/BS 7629-1

BS 5308/BS 7629-1

Fire Performance:

Circuit Integrity

IEC 60331-21; BS 6387 CWZ; DIN VDE 0472-814(FE180);

BS 8434-1 (30mins); BS 5839-1 Clause 26 2d; CEI 20-36/2-1; SS229-1; NBN

C 30-004 (cat. F3); NF C32-070-2.3(CR1)

Circuit Integrity with mechanical


EN 50200(PH30); CEI 20-36/4-0

Circuit Integrity with mechanical

shock & water spray

EN 50200 annex E
System circuit integrity DIN 4102-12, E30 depending on lay system

Flame Retardance (Single Vertical

Wire Test)

EN 60332-1-2; IEC 60332-1-2; BS EN 60332-1-2;

VDE 0482-332-1 ; NBN C 30-004 (cat. F1); NF C32-070-2.1(C2);

CEI 20-35/1-2; EN 50265-2-1*; DIN VDE 0482-265-2-1*

Reduced Fire Propagation

(Vertically-mounted bundled wires

& cable test)

EN 60332-3-24 (cat. C); IEC 60332-3-24; BS EN 60332-3-24; VDE 0482-332-

3; NBN C 30-004 (cat. F2); NF C32-070-2.2(C1); CEI 20-22/3-4; EN 50266-2-

4*; DIN VDE 0482-266-2-4

Halogen Free

IEC 60754-1; EN 50267-2-1; DIN VDE 0482-267-2-1;

CEI 20-37/2-1 ; BS 6425-1*

No Corrosive Gas Emission

IEC 60754-2; EN 50267-2-2; DIN VDE 0482-267-2-2;

CEI 20-37/2-2 ; BS 6425-2*

Minimum Smoke Emission

IEC 61034-1&2; EN 61034 -1&2; DIN VDE 0482-1034-1&2;

CEI 20-37/3-1&2; EN 50268-1&2*; BS 7622-1&2*

No Toxic gases NES 02-713; NF C 20-454

Note: Asterisk * denotes superseded standard.

Cable Construction:

Conductor: Plain annealed copper wire, stranded according to IEC(EN) 60228 class 2.

Insulation: Mica glass tape covered by extruded cross-linked XLPE compound or fire resistant silicone rubber

compound type EI2 as per BS 7655-1.1.

Cabling Elements: Insulated cores are twisted to form pairs with varying lay length to minimize crosstalk. Two-

pair cable had four cores laid in quad formation.

Cabling: Pairs are cabled together.In cables with 8 pairs or more, 4 pairs are assembled to form a bunch, the

bunches are then cabled together.

Overall Screen: Aluminum/polyester tape with 0.5mm2 screen (7/0.3mm) tinned copper drain wire.

Inner Sheath(optional):Thermoplastic LSZH compound type LTS3 as per BS 7655-6.1

Armouring(optional): Galvanized steel wire armour

Outer Sheath: Thermoplastic LSZH compound type LTS3 as per BS 7655-6.1(Thermosetting LSZH compound

type SW2-SW4 as per BS 7655-2.6 can be offered.)

Voltage Rating:

300/500 V

Colour Code:

Insulation Colour: White with black numberings.

Sheath Colour: Orange (other colours on request).

Type Code:

RE- Instrumentation cable H Halogen free & zero halogen

2X XLPE 2G Silicon Rubber

(St) Static shield of aluminium tape SWA Steel Wire Armoured

FE180 Insulation integrity (950°C 180 minutes) CI Circuit integrity

PH 90 Fire Test for 90 mins at 830°C

Physical And Thermal Properties:

Temperature range during operation (fixed state): -30°C – +70°C

Temperature range during installation (mobile state): -20°C – +50°C

Minimum bending radius: 6 x Overall Diameter (unarmoured cables with silicone rubber insulation)

8 x Overall Diameter (unarmoured cables with XLPE insulation)

10 x Overall Diameter (armoured cables)

Electrical Properties:

Dielectric test:2000 V r.m.s. x 5’ (core/core)

Insulation Resistance:XLPE: ≥1000 MΩ x km (at 20°C);
                                   SR: ≥300 MΩ x km (at 20°C)

Short circuit Temperature :XLPE: 250°C
                                         SR: 350°C

Construction Parameters:

Conductor RE-2X(St)H...CI. FE 180 PH30 RE-2G(St)H...CI. FE 180 PH30 RE-2X(St)HSWAH...CI. FE 180 PH30 RE-2G(St)HSWAH...CI. FE 180 PH30
No. of Pairs X Cross Section No./Nominal Diameter of Strands Nominal Insulation Thickness Unarmoured Armoured
Nominal Overall Diameter Approx. Weight Diameter Under Armour Armour Wire Diameter Nominal Overall Diameter Approx. Weight
mm2 no./mm mm mm kg/km mm mm mm kg/km
1 Pairs
1X2x1.0 7/0.43 0.6 8.0 76 8.0 0.90 12.4 281
1X2x1.5 7/0.53 0.7 8.5 94 8.5 0.90 13.1 332
1X2x2.5 7/0.67 0.8 10.5 130 10.5 0.90 15.1 401
2 Pairs
2X2x1.0 7/0.43 0.6 12.4 120 12.4 0.90 17.4 370
2X2x1.5 7/0.53 0.7 14.0 160 14.0 0.90 18.4 450
2X2x2.5 7/0.67 0.8 16.0 230 16.0 0.90 20.5 550
5 Pairs
5X2x1.0 7/0.43 0.6 16.5 276 16.5 1.25 22 854
5X2x1.5 7/0.53 0.7 20.5 368 20.5 1.25 26.2 1023
5X2x2.5 7/0.67 0.8 23.0 518 23.0 1.25 28.9 1276
10 Pairs
10X2x1.0 7/0.43 0.6 20.5 501 20.5 1.25 26.4 1271
10X2x1.5 7/0.53 0.7 26.0 673 26.0 1.60 32.8 1742
10X2x2.5 7/0.67 0.8 29.5 971 29.5 1.60 36.5 2205
20 Pairs
20X2x1.0 7/0.43 0.6 26.5 917 26.5 1.60 33.3 2197
20X2x1.5 7/0.53 0.7 34.0 1258 34.0 1.60 41.2 2705
20X2x2.5 7/0.67 0.8 38.5 1830 38.5 2.00 46.7 3836

Note : Other conductor sizes & pair configurations are available upon request.