Über uns
Technische Lib

Alarm u. Audio u. Elektronisches Kabe

Belden gleichwertige Kabel



LWL Kabel

Flexible Kabel

Instrumentation Kabel

Lan Kabel


Rolling Stock Kabel
Gummi u. Kran Kabel
Sicherheit Kabel

Telefon Kabel

Flughafen Kabel



Daten Kabel

Heat Detection Kabel
Highway Kabel
Marine, Öl, Gas & Petrochemie-Kabel
Special Cables
Other Cable
  Indoor tight buffer fiber optic cable  
Indoor Used Tight Buffered Fiber
Optical Cable
outdoor multi loose tube fiber optic cable
Outdoor Used Multi Loose Tube
Fiber Optical Cable

Ordering Code according to VDE Standard

1 Basic type
A-      Outdoor cable
A      Authorised National
AB   Outdoor cable with lighting protection
AD   Outdoor cable with differential protection
AJ-   Outdoor cable with induction protection
ASLH  Self-supporting Communication cables for high votage overhead lines
FL    Flat cable
G-     Mining cable
GJ    Mining cable with induction protection
H     Harmonized type
M     Plastic-sheathed cable
N     VDE standard
(N)    In adapted to VDE standard
RAGL- Compensating cable for thermocoupling
RD-    Rhenomatic cable
RE     Computer cable
RG-    Coaxial Coble according to MIL specification
RS     Computer Switchboard cable
-S      Signal cable for German Rallway
S-      Switchboard cable
SL     Flexible sheathed cable
T-      Fan-out cable
Z      Twin cable
2 Additional information
-J      Cable with green-yellow ground conductor
-JZ     Cable with green-yellow ground conductor with numbering
-O      Cable without green-yellow ground conductor
-OZ     Cable without green-yellow ground conductor with numbering
3. Insulation & Sheath Material
G       Rubber (N&R) or (SBR)
2G      Silicone Rubber,(SIR)
3G      Ethylene Propylene Rubber,(EPR)
4G      Ethylene Vinylacetate Rubber,(EVA)
5G      Chloroprene Rubber(CR)
6G      Chlorosulphonated PE(CSM),Hypalon
7G      Flouroelastomer
8G      Nitrile Rubber(NBR)
9G      PE-C Rubber(CE)
53G     CM,Chlorinated Polyethyene
H       Haloge-free flame retardant compound
HX      Cross-linked,halogen-free compound
O2Y    Foam-PE,(cellular PE)
X      Polyvinylchloride(X-PVC)
XP     Cross-linked Polyethylene(X-PE)
2X     Cross-linked Polyethylene
7X     Cross-linked Ethylentetrafluorethylene(X-ETFE)
10X    Cross-linked Polyvinylidenfluoride(X-PVDF)
Y      PVC,Polyvinylchloride
Yu     PVC,Polyvinylchloride,flame-retardant
Yv     PVC,Polyvinylchloride, with reinforced sheath
YV    Equipment wires with tinned conductor
Yw    PVC,Polyvinylchloride, heat resistant up to 90 C
2Y     Polyethylene(PE)
2Yv    Polyethylene, reinforced sheath

02Y    Cellular or Foam Polyethylene
02YS   Cellular Polyethylene with outer PE-skin or Foam Skin
2YHO  Air-spaced polyethylene
3Y     Polystyrene(PS),Styroflex
4Y     Polyamide(PA)
5Y     Polytetrafluorethylene(PTFE),Teflon
5YX    Perfluoralkoxy(PFA)
6Y     Perfluoroethylene-Propylene(FEP),Teflon
7Y     Ethylentetrafluorethylene(ETFE)
8Y     Polyimide(Pl)
9Y     Polypropylene(PP)
10Y    PVDF,Polyvinylidene fluoride
11Y    Polyurethene(PUR)
13Y    TPE-EE,TPE on base of Polyester-Ester
31Y    TPE-S,TPE on base of Polystyrol
41Y    TPE-A,TPE on base of Polyamide
51Y    PFA,Perfluor-Alkoxylalkane
71Y    ECTFE,Monochiortrifluorethylene
91Y    TPE-O,TPE on base of Polyester-Ester

4. Make-up Features
B      Armouring
B      Reinforcement
C      Tinned copper braid shield
F      Petroleum jelly filling
(K)    Copper strip screen
LD    Corrugated aluminium sheath
(L)Y   Laminated sheath A1-tape and PVC-jacket
(L)2Y  Laminated sheath A1-tape and PE-jacket
M     Lead sheath
MZ    Special lead sheath
(mS)   Magnetic shield
(St)    Static shield (aluminium/polyester tape)
W     Corrugated steel sheath
(Z)    Corrugated steel wire braid
5. Conductor Type
Re    Round,sigle wire conductor
Rm   Round,multiwire conductor
Staku  Copper clad steel wires
Staku-Li Copper clad steel stranded wires
6. Stranding element
PiC    Pairs shielded with copper braid
PiMF  Pairs shielded with aluminium/polyester tape
St     Star Quad (Phantom)
St I    Star Quad (trunk cable)
St III   Star Quad (local cable)
Tic    Triple Shielded with copper braid
TiMF  Triple shielded with aluminium/polyester tape
7. Type of Stranding
Bd     Twisted in layers
Lg     Twisted in units
8. Special Festures
FR     Flame retardant
..T     Anti-termite
O      Oil-resistant
NC     Non-corrosive